Kate Falciani

About Me

I started my professional life as a project accountant for general contractor, working 12-14 hour days in front of a computer screen.  I felt the dull ache that would spread from my mid back up to the base of my skull, before radiating numbness down my arms and causing splitting headaches. I've seen people working their hardest without regard for their body, and know first hand the damage that can do.

It was because of this experience that I decided I wanted to help people perform their jobs without the tremendous cost to their physical and mental well being. I graduated from the National Holistic Institute in San Francisco after 1000 program hours, and have been working in the healthcare field providing massage therapy to clients who suffer from pain whether it is acute, chronic, injury or work based.

For a complete bio including specifics on my educational background and approach to massage therapy, simply give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.